
About us

Welcome, friend! Biztech is the fastest growing market intelligence operator in Europe. The foundation of our unique information service is formed by thousands of annual interviews with CXO’s and IT decision makers. Based on those interviews we are providing valuable market insight reports and on-line tools for customers we interview and subscribers of the service.

We are constantly looking for exceptional talent and new friends to join our team for several different countries and regions. Individuals who are eager to start building their career in IT working with some of the leading iconic brands in business from the early beginning. We provide open positions in two different main categories.

We are searching Interview Specialists for our rapidly growing team of individuals conducting customer interviews for the selected country. This position allows you to be the master of your own working hours and even the location you want to work from.

Simultaneously we have open positions as Business Development Managers working for our service subscribers. This is a full-time assignment where your mission will be to refine identified leads to qualified sales opportunities.

Open Positions